In an Open Letter to the ANC, published on Monday 7 March 2016, former members of the Anti Apartheid Movement Netherlands (AABN) speak out in solidarity with long time South African friends who are the subject of police and other investigations.
The Open Letter
We, former members of the Anti Apartheid Movement Netherlands (AABN), express our grave concern about recent police and other official investigations into some of our comrades.
In the days of apartheid we all met and interacted with Ivan Pillay and so many others who were engaged in the struggle for liberation, Umkhonto we Sizwe, Operation Vula, Radio Freedom, Medu and the Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College. These were the days of international solidarity and the campaigns for the release of Mandela, the Culture in Another South Africa (CASA) event and the Malibongwe women’s conference, both a meeting point for hundreds of South Africans in Amsterdam.
Ivan Pillay is known to us as a courageous freedom fighter who risked his life for years in the forward areas of the struggle. We also fondly remember other, equally courageous, women and men of integrity like Pravin Gordhan and many more.
We are aware that institutions such as the Treasury and the South African Revenue Services (SARS) were shining examples of good governance. SARS has over the years been a generator of resources needed for the transformation of South Africa into the country as pursued in the ANC’s Freedom Charter: a place ‘for everyone who lives in it’, with rights, opportunities and education for all, bridging the gap between haves and have nots in realizing a better life for all.
We were driven by a conviction that building solidarity with the struggle against the evils of racism, humiliation and destruction of human capital would help bring a new South Africa come to live, as an inspiration to all worldwide who share the ideals of freedom, equality and justice.
Today, it is exactly that conviction that prompt us to speak out in support of many South Africans who raise their voices against state capture and the defilement of our shared ideals.
Conny Braam, former President Anti Apartheids Beweging Nederland (AABN), Fons Geerlings, former Secretary-General AABN, Kier Schuringa, former Treasurer AABN , Bart Luirink, former Editor De Anti Apartheidskrant, Fulco van Aurich, former spokesperson AABN, Peter Hermes, former Coordinator AABN, Lucia Raadschelders, former coordinator Women’s Group AABN, Rien Cardol, former Board Member AABN, Klaas de Jonge, former Board Member AABN, Ton Bervoets, former Board Member Omroep voor Radio Freedom, former Deputy Director ASN Bank, Inge Goijaerts, photographer AABN, Maud Kortbeek, member international team of teachers at Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College, Annemarie de Wildt, former organizer of the 1990 Malibongwe Women’s Conference, Tineke van den Klinkenberg, member of AABN
The AABN was disbanded in October 1994. Today, many former members are part of the network of ZAM magazine. More info: www.zammagazine.com
Let us hope that all has not been for nothing, let there be a new movement for freedom in South Africa!
Dear Members of the AABN and former CASA Colleagues,
Thank you so much for your unshakable commitment and vision.
Richard Carter
Thanks Richard, long time no see! Bart
We hope this letter rings the necessary bells on the corrupt ANC
I am soo so touched tht people outside the RSA r still in touch with what is happening in here.Most SAfricans r ashamed of comrades turning against some comrades and yet there r comrades within the party tht r protected
Maybe it is time for more action