Everjoice Win keerde onlangs terug naar Zimbabwe. Na enkele jaren in Zuid-Afrika te hebben geleefd, sloeg de heimwee toe. In de Mail & Guardian deed ze verslag van haar kwaadheid over de crisis die haar land doormaakt, over Mugabe , over de aanhoudende schending van de mensenrechten. Maar ook: ‘Yet I come out refreshed and happy. After a visit to my gynaecologist and my dentist – both of whom treat me like a human being and not a tropical disease, als I am normally treated in South Africa – I have every right to be happy. I am greeted with a smile and a chat at the bank. In Johannesburg I am “X-rayed 55 times”, as I call it, and my ID photocopied four times every time I visit my bank.
Having spent three weeks travelling under the most beautiful sun in three of the safest cities in the world, I am at peace. For three weeks I do not obsess about locking doors and windows and clutching my handbag. The laughter, community and sense of hope in everyone I see is something I will live on for the next few months. Even in the most trying of times, or in the longest bread queue, there is hope and faith.
I cannot help but be elated at the sight of new houses being built: big beautiful houses. No matter how much it costs, parents still sacrifice to send their children to the best schools; buy them necessary school uniforms and other supplies. University and college students study diligently, hoping for a better life. (…)
Life has become hell for many, but is slightly good hell. There is hope. The struggle to reclaim our beautiful country must continue.’